Presented research paper at 15the Sanskrit World Conference Delhi
Presented research paper at 16the Sanskrit World Conference Thailand.
Presented research paper at Global Sanskrit forum Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius.
Selected Papers at the 17the Sanskrit World Conference Canada. and selected research paper at the 18the Sanskrit World Conference Australia. A research paper has been accepted at the 19the Sanskrit World Conference Nepal. and Presented research paper at the Third Global Sanskrit forum Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius. Also, more than 150 research papers have been presented on various topics by attending more than 170 seminars of International, National and State level.
Member of Advisory board ATMAJ, Academic Research Journal An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal ISSN : 2348-9456, Impact Factor-5.675.
Conducted ‘Gita Gyanayagyna’ for 50 days for people who were mentally scared and disturbed during the corona period, in which they enjoyed chapters 1 to 18 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita.